This is the core contents of K2WORKS since 1997.
It is one of the earliest royalty-free stock audio websites that offers original songs in MIDI format in Japan.
Below are snapshot images of past site designs. Do you remember any of them?

This is the top page design we used for a long time, from 2001 to 2022.
Most of you may only know this layout.

In the spring of 1999, I decided to move this site to its own domain, k2works.com.
Around the same time, I suddenly had the idea to name the site Nerve, and created the long-used cell logo image. This is the top page layout from then until 2001.
I can’t remember why I chose the neuron motif.

The site’s English name before it began calling itself Nerve was The Space for Sundry Matters.
There was a splash page in front of the menu screen. I can’t remember why it had the eye icon.
At that time, I called my musical activities K2 Sound Design Company, not k2works.

The theme of the site design in the first half of 1999 was geometric patterns.

In early 1998, the background color of the site was blackish, and the logo was psychedelic and rather hyped.

This is the first logo when it opened in February 1997.

As an extra, here is a design template that was never used.
This is a design theme that I almost created between 2003 and 2007, when I was trying to renew the functionality of the site all together to start offering sampled audio format.
It had been abandoned because I was too busy to complete it.